
職稱 教授兼所長
姓名 林劭品
聯絡電話 886-2-3366-6005~6
Fax 886-2-3366-6001

國立台灣大學 生物科技研究所    教授   (2018/08~迄今)
國立台灣大學 發育生物學與再生醫學研究中心 (2016-22) 副主任~ (2022-迄今)
中研院 農業生物科技研究中心 合聘研究員(2019 ~ 迄今)
台灣幹細胞學會 常務理事 (2017/12~迄今)
台大/中研院 基因體與系統生物學學程 核心教師 (2010/8~迄今)
中研院 農業生物科技研究中心 副研究員 (2013/8~2018)
台灣幹細胞學會 秘書長/理事 (2013/12-2015/11)
國立台灣大學 生物科技研究所 副教授 (2012/8~2018/7)
中研院 農業生物科技研究中心 合聘助理研究員 (2009/8~2013/7)
國立台灣大學 生物科技研究所 助理教授 (2006/8~2012/7)
美國哥倫比亞大學 遺傳與發育生物學研究所 博士後研究員 (2005/1~2006/8)
馬偕醫院 醫學研究科 助理研究員 (1996/7~2000/8)


University of Cambridge Dept. Physiology, Development and Neural Sciences 
Ph.D. 2000~2004
國立台灣大學 動物科學與技術研究所 碩士 1994~1996
國立台灣大學 動物科學與技術學系 學士 1990~1994

研究專長 後生遺傳學 / 細胞再程序化
年度 論文名稱
2024 Hsu, Y. F., Lin, S. P., Chu, Y. T., Tsai, Y. T., Huang, J. W., Phoa, F. K. H., & Wu, R. M. (2024)., Plasma miR-203-3p as as Novel Predictor of Dementia in Patients with Parkinson’s disease, Int J Mol Sci, 25(6), 2024
2024 Lin Wang, H. H., Huang, J. W., Kuo, M. C., Tsai, Y. T., Lu, C. C., Chen, Y. H., Frederick Phoa, K. H., Kung, P. J., Lin, Y. H., Chu, Y. T., Ju, Y. R., Elisha Ho, W. C., Shen, T. L., Charles Lai, P. K., Hong, C. T., Ochiya Takahiro, Ueda Koji, Wu, R. M., & Lin, S.P. (2024_under revision)., Cholesterol homeostasis and oxidative stress-relatednovel plasma biomarkers for MSA patients., NPJ Parkinsons Dis, 2024
2024 Chiang, C. H., Zhang, T.-R., Hsu, P. S., Lin, S. P., & Chen, C. Y. (2024)., Weight regain, but not weight loss exacerbates hepatic fibrosis during multiple weight cycling events in male mice, European Journal of Nutrition, 2024
2024 Liu, H.-P., Phoa, F. K. H., Chen-Burger, Y.-H., & Lin, S.-P. (2024), An efficient swarm intelligence approach to the optimization on high-dimensional solutions with cross-dimensional constraints, with applications in supply chain management [Original Research], Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 2024
2024 Huang, J.-W., Chen, Y.-H., Phoa, F. K. H., Lin, Y.-H., & Lin, S.-P. (2024), An efficient approach for identifying important biomarkers for biomedical diagnosis, BioSystems, 237, 105163, 2024
2024 Chang MM, Hong YK, Hsu CK, Harn HIC., Huang BM, Liu YH, Lu FI, Hsueh YY, Lin SP, Wu CC*, Histone trimethylations and HDAC5 regulate spheroid subpopulation and differentiation signaling of human adipose-derived stem cells, Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 13(3),March 2024,Pages 293–308, 2024
2023 Yu, W.-C., Yeh, T.-Y., Ye, C.-H., Chong, P. C. T., Ho, Y.-H., So, D. K., Yap, K. Y., Peng, G.-R., Shao, C.-H., Jagtap, A. D., Chern, J.-W., Lin, C.-S., Lin, S.-P., Lin, S.-L., Yu, S.-H., & Yu, C.-W. (2023)., Discovery of HDAC6, HDAC8, and 6/8 Inhibitors and Development of Cell-Based Drug Screening Models for the Treatment of TGF-β-Induced Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 66(15), 10528-10557, 2023
2023 da Rocha, S. T., Lin, S.-P., & Youngson, N. A. (2023), Editorial: Legacies of epigenetic perturbations [Editorial], Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 11, 2023
2023 Chun‐Hsien Chiang · Sin‐Jin Li · Yu‐Han Lin · Pei‐Yu Wang · Pu‐Sheng Hsu · Shau‐Ping Lin · Ting‐Chia Chiang · Ching‐Yi Chen., Early‐onset caloric restriction alleviates ageing‐associated steatohepatitis in male mice via restoring mitochondrial homeostasis, Biogerontology. 2023, 2023
2022 Anjali Yadav, Thamil Selvee Ramasamy, Sheng Che Lin, Szu Han Chen, Jean Lu, Ya Hsin Liu, Fu I Lu, Yuan Yu Hsueh, Shau Ping Lin, Chia Ching Wu *, Autologous platelet-rich growth factor reduces M1 macrophages and modulates inflammatory microenvironments to promote sciatic nerve regeneration, Biomedicines. 2022, 2022
2021 Pu-Sheng Hsu#, Shu-Han Yu#, Yi-Tzang Tsai, Jen-Yun Chang, Li-Kuang Tsai, Chih-Hung Ye, Ning-Yu Song, Lih-Chiao Yau, Shau-Ping Lin*., More than causing (epi)genomic instability: emerging physiological implications of transposable element modulation, J Biomed Sci 28, 58 (2021), 2021
2021 Yu, W.-C., Yeh, T.-Y., Ye, C.-H., Chong, P. C. T., Ho, Y.-H., So, D. K., Yap, K. Y., Peng, G.-R., Shao, C.-H., Jagtap, A. D., Chern, J.-W., Lin, C.-S., Lin, S.-P., Lin, S.-L., Yu, S.-H., & Yu, C.-W. (2023)., Discovery of HDAC6, HDAC8, and 6/8 Inhibitors and Development of Cell-Based Drug Screening Models for the Treatment of TGF-β-Induced Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 66(15), 10528-10557, 2021
2021 Pu-Sheng Hsu, Shu-Han Yu, Yi-Tzang Tsai, Jen-Yun Chang, Li-Kuang Tsai, Chih-Hung Ye, Ning-Yu Song, Lih-Chiao Yau, Shau-Ping Lin, More than causing (epi)genomic instability: emerging physiological implications of transposable element modulation., J Biomed Sci, 2021
2021 Tien-Chi Huang 1,†, Kung-Chao Chang 2, Jen-Yun Chang 1, Yi-Shan Tsai 3, Yao-Jong Yang 4, Wei-Chun Chang 1, Chu-Fan Mo 1, Pei-Hsiu Yu 5,6, Chun-Ting Chiang 7, Shau-Ping Lin 1,8,9,10,* and Pao-Lin Kuo 5,*, Variants in Maternal Effect Genes and Relaxed Imprinting Control in a Special Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia Case with Mild Trophoblast Hyperplasia. Biomedicines. 2021., 2021
2021 Szu-Han Chen† , Chia-Ching Wu† , Sheng-Che Lin, Wan-Ling Tseng, Tzu-Chieh Huang, Anjali Yadav, Fu-I Lu, Ya-Hsin Liu, Shau-Ping Lin and Yuan-Yu Hsueh*., Investigation of Neuropathology after Nerve Release in Chronic Constriction Injury of Rat Sciatic Nerve. International Journal of Molecular Sciences., 2021
2021 Mu-Hui Wang, Chia-Lang Hsu, Cheng-Han Wu, Ling-Ling Chiou, Yi-Tzang Tsai, Hsuan-Shu Lee and Shau-Ping Lin*., Timing does matter: Nerve-mediated HDAC1 paces the temporal expression of morphogenic genes during axolotl limb regeneration. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology-Developmental Epigenetics. 2021. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.641987., 2021
2021 Yang Chih-Yi, Lu Rita Jui-Hsien, Lee Ming-Kang, Hsiao Felix Shih-Hsian, Yen Ya-Ping, Cheng Chun-Chun, Hsu Pu-Sheng, Tsai Yi-Tzang, Chen Shih-Kuo, Liu I-Hsuan, Chen Pao-Yang, Lin Shau-Ping*., Transcriptome Analysis of Dnmt3l Knock-Out Mice Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells During Osteogenic Differentiation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021.9: Article 283; doi; 10.3389/fcell.2021.615098., 2021
2020 Yoyo C-Y Yu, T ZK Hui, T-H Kao, H-F Liao, C-Y L Yang, C-C Hou, H-T Hsieh, J-Y Chang, Y-T Tsai, M Pinskaya, K-C Yang, Y-R Chen, A Morillon, M-H Tsai, and Shau-Ping Lin*., Transient DNMT3L Expression Reinforces Chromatin Surveillance to Halt Senescence Progression in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020. 8: Article 103; doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.00103., 2020
2019 楊芝宜#, 王詩卉#, 鄧丕文, Yun-Heh Jessica Chen-Burger, 林劭品 (Shau-Ping Lin)*., 臺灣生鮮雞蛋消費者需求調查分析 (Evaluate the possibility to price eggs based on their quality and freshness: Implications from the expectation and behavior of Taiwanese customers). 農業生技產業季刊 (Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Industry). 2019. 57: 56-61, 2019
2019 Mu-Hui Wang, Cheng-Han Wu, Ting-Yu Huang, Hung-Wei Sung, Ling-Ling Chiou, Shau-Ping Lin, Hsuan-Shu Lee., Nerve-mediated expression of histone deacetylases regulates limb regeneration in axolotls, Developmental Biology, 449(2): 122-131., 2019
2019 Chang KW#, Tseng YT#, Chen YC, Yu CY, Liao HF, Chen YC, Tu YF, Shinn-Chih Wu SC, Liu IH, Pinskaya M, Morillon A, Pain B, Lin SP*, Stage-dependent piRNAs in Chicken Implicated Roles in Modulating Germ Cell Development. BMC Genomics. 2018; 19(1):425. DOI:10.1186/s12864-018-4820-9, 2019
2018 Chen YC, Chang WC, Lin SP, Minami M, Jean C, Hayashi H, Rival-gervier S, Kanaki T, Wu SC, Pain B., Three-dimensional culture of chicken primordial germ cells in chemically defined media containing the functional polymer FP003. PLoS One, 2018. 13(9): pii: e0200515., 2018
2018 Yen YP, Lo H, Hsieh WF, Chen YC, Liau ES, Hsu HC, Lu YL, Liu TC, Chang M, Tseng TL, Li J, Lin SP*, Hung JH*, Chen JA*, LncRNA Meg3 Choreographs the Epigenetic Landscape of Postmitotic Motor Neuron Cell Fate and Subtype Identity. eLife, 2018; 7. pii: e38080. doi: 10.7554/eLife.38080., 2018
2018 Liu FW, Liao HF, Lin SP*, Lu YW*, DNA Methylation Assay Using Droplet-based DNA Melting Curve Analysis., Lab on a Chip, vol. 18, 3, pp. 514-521, 2018
2018 Hsu CL, Chou CH, Huang SC, Lin CY, Lin MY, Tung CC, Lin CY, Lai IP, Zou YF, Youngson NA, Lin SP, Yang CH, Chen,SK, Gau SF, and Huang HS*, Analysis of experience-regulated transcriptome and imprintome during critical periods of mouse visual system development reveals spatiotemporal dynamics., Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 27, 6, pp. 1039-1054, 2018
2018 Sakashita A, Yeh YHV, Namekawa SH*, Lin SP*, Epigenomic and Single-Cell Profiling of Human Spermatogonial Stem Cells., Stem Cell Investigation, vol. 5, pp. 11-, 2018
2017 Lee MK, Lin SP, HuangFu WC, Yang DS, and Liu IH, Endothelial-derived extracellular matrix ameliorate the stemness deprivation during ex vivo expansion of mouse bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells., PLoS One, vol. 12, pp. e0184111-, 2017
2017 Wu CE, Yu CW, Chang KW, Chou WH, Lu CY., Ghelfi E, Wu FC, Jan PS., Huang MC, Allard P, Lin SP, Ho HN, and Chen HF, Comparative global immune-related gene profiling of somatic cells, human pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives: implication for human lymphocyte proliferation., Exp Mol Med, vol. 49, pp. e376-, 2017
2016 Liao HF, Kuo J, Lin HH and Lin SP, Isolation of THY1+ Undifferentiated Spermatogonia from Mouse Postnatal Testes Using Magnetic-activated Cell Sorting (MACS)., Bio-Protocol, Dec. 2016
2015 Liao HF, Mo CF, Wu SC, Cheng DH, Yu CY, Chang KW, Kao TH, Lu CW, Pinskaya M, Morillon A, Lin SS, Cheng WT, Bourc'his D, Bestor T, Sung LY, Lin SP*, Dnmt3l-knockout donor cells improve somatic cell nuclear transfer reprogramming efficiency., Reproduction, vol. 150, 4, pp. 245-265, Oct. 2015
2015 Tseng YT, Liao HF, Yu CY, Mo CF, Lin SP*, Epigenetic factors in the regulation of prospermatogonia and spermatogonial stem cells., Reproduction, vol. 150, 3, pp. R77-91, Sep. 2015
2015 Kai-Wei Chang, Nancy A. Huang, I-Hsuan Liu, E-Hui Wang, Ping Wu, Yen-Tzu Tseng, Michael W. Hughes, Ting Xin Jiang, Mong-Hsun Tsai, Chien-Yu Chen, Yen-Jen Oyang, En-Chung Lin, Cheng-Ming Chuong, Shau-Ping Lin., Emergence of Differentially Regulated Pathways Associated with the Development of Regional Specificity in Chicken Skin., BMC Genomics, vol. 16, 1, pp. 22-, Jan. 2015
2015 Chu-Fan Mo, Fang-Chun Wu, Kang-Yu Tai, Wei-Chun Chang, Kai-Wei Chang, Hong-Chi Kuo, Hong-Nerng Ho, Hsin-Fu Chen and Shau-Ping Lin., Loss of non-coding RNA expression from the DLK1-DIO3 imprinted locus correlates with reduced neural differentiation potential in human embryonic stem cell lines., Stem Cell Research & Therapy, vol. 6, pp. 1-, Jan. 2015
2014 Tzu-Hao Kao, Hung-Fu Liao, Daniel Wolf, Kang-Yu Tai, Ching-Yu Chuang, Hsuan-Shu Lee, Hung-Chih Kuo, Kenichiro Hata, Xing Zhang, Xiaodong Cheng, Stephen P. Goff, Steen K.T. Ooi, Timothy H. Bestor and Shau-Ping Lin, Ectopic DNMT3L triggers assembly of a repressive complex for retroviral silencing in somatic cells, Journal of Virology, Jul. 2014
2014 Hung-Fu Liao, Wendy S.C. Chen, Yu-Hsiang Chen, Tzu-Hao Kao, Yung-Hao Ching, Kenichiro Hata, Winston TK Cheng, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Hong-Nerng Ho, Yen-Hua Huang, Shinn-Chih Wu, Pauline Yen and Shau-Ping Lin*, DNMT3L promotes quiescence in postnatal spermatogonial progenitor cells, Development, vol. 141, 12, pp. 2402-2415, Jun. 2014
2014 Cheng CC, Lee YH, Shau-Ping Lin, HuangFu WC and Liu IH., Cell-autonomous heparanase modulates self-renewal and migration in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells., Journal of Biomedical Science., 2014
2013 Lu CH, Lee RK, Hwu YM, Lin MH, Yeh LY, Chen YJ, Lin SP*(co-corresponding author), Li SH*. , Involvement of the Serine Protease Inhibitor, SERPINE2, and the Urokinase Plasminogen Activator in Cumulus Expansion and Oocyte Maturation., PLoS One, vol. 8, 8, pp. e74602-, 2013
2012 Yu-Jen Chen, Chih-Chien Chen, Tsai-Kun Li, Pei-Hwa Wang, Li-Ru Liu, Fan-Ying Chang, Ya-Ching Wang, Yu-Hsiang Yu, Shau-Ping Lin, Harry J Mersmann , Shih-Torng Ding., Docosahexaenoic acid suppresses the expression of FoxO and its target genes., J Nutr Biochem., vol. 23, 12, pp. 1609-1616, Dec. 2012
2012 Hung-Fu Liao (共同指導博班學生), Kang-Yu Tai (共同指導博班學生), Wendy S.-C. Chen (共同指導碩班學生), Luca, C.W. Cheng (直屬博班學生), and Shau-Ping Lin*(Corresponding author)., Functions of DNA methyltransferase 3-like in germ cells and beyond., Epub 2012 Jul 10 Biology of the Cell., vol. 104, 10, pp. 571-587, Oct. 2012
2012 C. C. Cheng, W. S. Lian, S. H. Hsiao, I. H. Liu, Lin S.P, F, Y. H. Lee, W. T. K. Cheng and S. C., Isolation and Characterization of Novel Murine Epiphysis Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells., PLoS One., vol. 7, 4, Apr. 2012
2012 Ching-Yu Chuang (直屬博班學生), Kuo-I Lin, Michael Hsiao, Lee Stone, Hsin-Fu Chen, Yen-Hua Huang, Shau-Ping Lin*(共同通訊作者), Hong-Nerng Ho and Hung-Chih Kuo*., Meiotic competent human germ cell-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells induced by BMP4/WNT3A signaling and OCT4/EpCAM selection., Journal of Biological Chemistry., vol. 27, 287, pp. 14389-14401, Apr. 2012
2012 Tzu-Ching Chang,*, Chia-Chia Liu*, En-Wei Hsing, Shu-Man Liang, Ya-Hui Chi, Li-Ying Sung, Shau-Ping Lin, Tang-Long Shen, Bor-Sheng Ko, B. Linju Yen, Shaw-Fang Yet, Kenneth K. Wu, Jun-Yang Liou., 14-3-3σ regulates β-catenin-mediated mouse embryonic stem cell proliferation by sequestering GSK-3β., PLoS One., vol. 7, 6, 2012
2011 Liu L.R., Lin S.P, Chen C.C., Chen Y.J., Tai C.C., Chang S.C., Juang R.H., Tseng Y.W., Liu B.H., Mersmann H.J., Shen T.L., Ding S.T., Serum amyloid A induces lipolysis by downregulating perilipin through ERK1/2 and PKA signaling pathways., Obesity., vol. 19, 12, pp. 2301-2309, Nov. 2011
2011 Hsiao SH#, Lian WS#, Lin S.P# (Co-first author), Lin CJ, Lin YS, Cheng CH, Liu CW, Huang HY, Cheng CC, Cheng PH, Lee KH, Kuo TF, Cheng CF, W. Cheng TK and Wu SH., Towards an ideal animal model to trace donor cell fates after stem cell therapy:production of stably labeled multipotent mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow of transgenic pig harboring EGFP gene. , Journal Animal Sci., vol. 89, 11, Nov. 2011
2011 Wang DY, Wu SC, Lin S.P, Hsiao SH, Huang YY., Evaluation of transdifferentiation from mesenchymal stem cells to neuron-like cells using microfluidic patterned co-culture system., Biomed Microdevices., vol. 13, 3, pp. 517-526, Jun. 2011
2011 Lu CH, Lee Robert KK, Hwu YM, Chu SL, Chen YJ, Chang WC, Lin S.P*, and Li SH*., SERPINE2, a serine protease inhibitor extensively expressed in adult male mouse reproductive tissues, may serve as a murine sperm decapacitation factor., Biol Reprod., vol. 84, 3, pp. 514-525, Mar. 2011
2011 Lin CY, Lin HH, Tsai MH, Lin S.P*, Chen MH., Zinc Chloride for Odontogenesis of Dental Pulp Stem Cells via Metallothionein Upregulation., JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS., vol. 37, 2, pp. 211-216, Feb. 2011
2010 Schulz R, Proudhon C, Bestor T.H., Woodfine K, Lin CS, Lin S.P, M. Prissette,R. J. Oakey, Déborah Bourc'his., The Parental Non-Equivalence of Imprinting Control Regions during Mammalian Development and Evolution., PLoS Genetics., vol. 6, 11, Dec. 2010
2010 Chen HF, Kuo HC, Lin S.P, Chien CL, Chiang MS, Ho HN., Schulz R, Proudhon C, Bestor T.H., Woodfine K, Lin CS, Lin S.P, M. Prissette,R. J. Oakey, Déborah Bourc'his., Tissue Eng Part A., vol. 16, 9, pp. 2901-2913, Sep. 2010
2010 Hsiao HS, Cheng CC, Peng SY, Huang HY, Lian WS, Jan ML, Fang YT, Cheng EC, Lee KH, Cheng WT, Lin S.P* and Wu SC*., Isolation of therapeutically functional mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells within 3 hours by an effective single-step plastic-adherent method., Cell Proliferation., vol. 43, 3, pp. 235-248, Jun. 2010
2009 da Rocha ST, Charalambous M, Lin S.P, Gutteridge I, Ito Y, Gray D, Dean W, Ferguson-Smith AC., Gene dosage effects of the imprinted delta-like homologue 1 (dlk1/pref1) in development: implications for the evolution of imprinting., PLoS Genet., vol. 5, 2, Feb. 2009
2007 Ooi S. K.T, Qiu C, Bernstein E, Li K, Jia D, Yang Z, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Lin S.P, Allis C D, Cheng X and Bestor T.H ., DNMT3L Connects Unmethylated Lysine 4 of Histone H3 To De Novo Methylation of DNA., Nature., vol. 448, 7154, pp. 714-717, Aug. 2007
2007 Lin S.P,Coan P, da Rocha ST, Seitz H, Cavaille J, Teng PW, Takada S, Ferguson-Smith AC. , Differential regulation of imprinting in the murine embryo and placenta by the Dlk1-Dio3 imprinting control region., Development. , vol. 134, 2, pp. 417-426, Jan. 2007
2004 Seitz H, Royo, H, Bortolin, M. L, Lin S.P, Ferguson-Smith, A. C. and Cavaille J., A Large Imprinted microRNA Gene Cluster at the Mouse Dlk1-Gtl2 Domain., Genome Research, vol. 14, 9, pp. 1741-1748, Sep. 2004
2004 Seitz, H., Royo, H., Lin, S.P., Youngson, N., Ferguson-Smith, A.C. and Cavaille, J, Imprinted small RNA genes, Biological Chemistry, vol. 10, pp. 905-911, 2004
2004 Ferguson-Smith A, Lin S.P, Youngson N., Regulation of imprinted gene activity and repression: A consideration of unifying themes., Current topics in developmental biology, vol. 60, pp. 197-213, 2004
2003 Lin S.P, Youngson N, Takada S, Seitz H, Reik W, Paulsen M, Cavaille J, and Ferguson-Smith AC. , Asymmetric regulationof imprinting on the maternal and paternal chromosomes at the Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinted cluster on mouse chromosome 12., Nature Genetics, vol. 35, 1, pp. 97-102, Sep. 2003
2003 Seitz H, Youngson N, Lin S.P., Dalbert S, Paulsen M., Bachellerie J.P, Ferguson-Smith A.C. and Cavaillé J., Imprinted microRNA genes transcribed antisense to a reciprocally imprinted retrotransposon-like gene. , Nature Genetics, vol. 34, 3, pp. 261-262, Jul. 2003
2003 Seitz, H., Royo, H., Lin S.P, Youngson, N., Ferguson-Smith, A.C. and Cavaillé, J., Imprinted microRNA genes transcribed antisense to a reciprocally imprinted retrotransposon-like gene., Biological Chemistry, vol. 34, 3, pp. 261-262, Jul. 2003
2003 Ferguson-Smith A, Lin S.P., Tsai CE, Youngson N, Tevendale M., Genomic imprinting-insights from studies in mice., Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, vol. 14, pp. 43-49, 2003
2002 Tsai CE, Lin S.P., Ito M, Takagi N, Takada S, Ferguson-Smith AC, Genomic imprinting contributes to thyroid hormone metabolism in the mouse embryo., Current Biology, vol. 12, pp. 1221-1226, 2002
2001 Lin S.P., Lee, R.K.K., Tsai, Y.J. and Hwu, Y.M., In vivo hatching phenomenon of mouse blastocyst during implantation., Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, vol. 18, pp. 341-345, 2001
2001 Lin TK, Lee RK, Lin S.P., Chen SY, Tsai YJ, Su TH., Growth retardation of rabbit embryos in ligated oviducts and the toxic effects of rabbit tubal fluid on mouse embryo development in vitro., Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, vol. 18, pp. 400-403, 2001
2000 Lin TK, Lee RK, Lin S.P, Tsai YJ, Lin, M. H. and Hwu, Y.M., The effect of peritoneal fluid protein in the follicular and luteal phase from cases of nonendometriosis on the in vitro development of two-cell mouse embryos., Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 2000
2000 Su, J.T., Lee, R. K.K., Lin S.P, Lin, M. H. and Hwu, Y.M., Does hydrosalpinx fluid have an embryotoxic effect?, Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 2000
2000 Tsai, Y.J., Lee, R.K.K., Lin S.P, Chen, Y.J., Identification of a novel platelet derived growth factor-like gene, Fallotein, in the human reproductive tract., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, vol. 1492, pp. 196-202, 2000
2000 Lee, R.K.K., Lin S.P, Tsai, Y.J., Lin, M.H., and Hwu, Y.M., Embryonic dormancy phenomenon in obstructed healthy mouse fallopian tubes., Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, vol. 17, pp. 540-545, 2000
2000 Lin S.P., Lee, R.K.K., Su, J.T., Chen, Y.W., Liu, W. Y., Hwu, Y.M., Lin, M.H., Tsai, Y.J., The effects of brief gamete coincubation in human in vitro fertilization., Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, vol. 17, pp. 344-348, 2000
1999 Tsai, YJ., Lee RKK, Lin, S.P, Lin, MH, and Hwu, YM., The expression of epidermal growth factor ligand in the human oviduct., Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 1999
1998 Hwu, Y.M., Lee, R.K.K., Chen, C.P., Su, J.T., Chen, Y.W., Lin S.P., Development of hatching blastocysts from immature human oocytes following in vitro maturation and fertilization using a co-culture system., Human Reproduction, vol. 13, pp. 1916-1921, 1998
1998 Lin S.P, Lee, R.K.K., Tsai, Y.J., Hwu, Y.M. and Lin, M. H., Separating X-bearing human spermatozoa through a discontinuous Percoll density gradient proved to be inefficient by double-label fluorescent in situ hybridization., Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, vol. 15, pp. 565-569, 1998
1997 Hwu Y.M., Lee R.K.K., Su, J.T. Chen Y.W., Lin W.Y., Lin M.H., Lin S.P., In vitro maturation of human immature oocytes retrieved from small follicles at cesarean section., Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, vol. 6, pp. 52-56, 1997
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校內榮譽 2024 Mission MSA award with seed research fund Mission MSA
校外榮譽 2024 Exceptional Performance Award Ministry of Science and Technology/National Taiwan University
校內榮譽 2023 2023 Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation Physician-Scientist Merit Award recipient Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation
校外榮譽 2023 Exceptional Performance Award Ministry of Science and Technology/National Taiwan University
校內榮譽 2022 National Taiwan University Teaching Award National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2022 Exceptional Performance Award Ministry of Science and Technology/National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2021 Exceptional Performance Award Ministry of Science and Technology/National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2020 University Faculty Research Award Ministry of Science and Technology
校內榮譽 2020 Award for Excellent English Medium Instruction National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2019 University Faculty Research Award Ministry of Science and Technology
校外榮譽 2018 University Faculty Research Award Ministry of Science and Technology
校內榮譽 2018 Teaching Award College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2015 Elected Epigeneticists for Taiwan-Canada Bilateral Epigenomic Symposium Ministry of Science and Technology
校內榮譽 2015 Teaching Award National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2014 Elected Taiwanese Young Life Scientists Representatives for Interdisciplinary France-Taiwan Frontier of Science Symposium Ministry of Science and Technology
校內榮譽 2013 Elected Taiwanese Young Life Scientists Representatives for Interdisciplinary France-Taiwan Frontier of Science Symposium Ministry of Science and Technology
校外榮譽 2013 Teaching Award College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University
校外榮譽 2012 Elected Taiwanese Young Life Scientists Representatives for Interdisciplinary France-Taiwan Frontier of Science Symposium Ministry of Science and Technology
校外榮譽 2012 吳大猷獎 國家科學委員會
校外榮譽 2011 Elected Taiwanese Young Life Scientists Representatives for Interdisciplinary France-Taiwan Frontier of Science Symposium Ministry of Science and Technology
校內榮譽 2010 教學優良獎 國立台灣大學
校外榮譽 2006 Promega 2005 Young Geneticist of the year (United Kingdom; 2nd Prize)
校內榮譽 2003 Government Scholarships Ministry of Education
校內榮譽 2002 Government Scholarships Ministry of Education
校內榮譽 2001 Government Scholarships Ministry of Education
校內榮譽 2000 Government Scholarships Ministry of Education
校內榮譽 1996 Postgraduate Scholarships Ministry of Education
校內榮譽 1995 Postgraduate Scholarships Ministry of Education
校外榮譽 1993 Professor F.K. Koh’s Memorial Foundation
校內榮譽 1992 President’s Award National Taiwan University
校內榮譽 1992 Alumni Award Department of Animal Science
校內榮譽 1991 Alumni Award Department of Animal Science