NTU Bio-Tech

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Direct Admission to Ph.D.

檢附資料/Required Documentation  

初次申請之學生(逕升博班的第一個學期)/New Application (for those entering the PhD program for the first semester)
(一) 指導教師之科技部計畫核定清單(執行中)-需為主持人(非共同或協同主持人)
The advisor's financial statement of the research project(s) supported by MOST at present.
(The advisor should be granted Principal Investigator (PI) status; Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) or Sub-Investigator roles will not be deemed acceptable.)

(二) 學生依「國立臺灣大學學生逕行修讀博士學位辦法」第七條所提出之申請資料。
Application submitted in accordance with Article 7 of the "Protocol for Students Entering PhD Programs Straight from an Undergraduate/Master's Program, National Taiwan University".

(三) 指導教師推薦信(若指導教師與檢附資料第二點內之推薦教師相同,則無需重複提供) 
A reference letter from the advisor. (Skip if the advisor has provided one of the reference letters required by Item 2.) 

(一) 指導教師之科技部計畫核定清單(執行中)-需為主持人(非共同或協同主持人)
The advisor's financial statement of the research project(s) supported by MOST at present.
(The advisor should be granted Principal Investigator (PI) status; Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) or Sub-Investigator roles will not be deemed acceptable.)

(二) 學生前一學期之成績單/The student's transcript of the previous semester. 

(三) 研究進展報告(限1~2頁/標楷體/大小12針;需使跨院系審查委員能輕易理解、宜避免艱澀專業術語且內容應完整) 
A research progress report written in an accessible, jargon-free manner appropriate for a multidisciplinary review panel.  The report should be two pages maximum, 12 point font, 2.0-cm margins, and in Times New Roman. 

(四) 彌封之指導教師對學生研究進展之評量信函(若該生不適合從事研究或不適合持續參與本試辦方案,請舉列具體事實)
A sealed reference letter from the thesis advisor.  The letter should evaluate the student's overall performance and whether the progress is lagged behind or exceeds expectations.  If pursuing a PhD degree is no longer recommended to the student, please provide specific details and facts. 
For more infrmation, please visit school website: https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/stu/recruit.php?Sn=83