Login NTU Bio-Tech
Regenerative Biotechnological Knowledge and Practical Skills in Cell and Tissue Renewal: Proficiency in the theoretical understanding and hands-on application of regenerative biotechnological principles related to cells and tissues.
Core Technical Skills in Biotechnology: Mastery of fundamental operational skills in the core technologies of biotechnology.
Advanced Molecular Biology and Core Knowledge in Gene Regulation: In-depth knowledge of high molecular biology and the core principles of gene regulation.
Bioethical Competence in Biotechnology: Proficient understanding and application of bioethical principles relevant to the field of biotechnology.
Innovative Thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities: Ability to think innovatively and effectively solve problems encountered in the realm of biotechnology.
Team Communication and Collaboration Skills: Proficiency in communicating within teams and collaborating effectively with others.
Leadership and Cross-disciplinary Integration Skills: Competence in leadership and the ability to integrate knowledge across diverse disciplines.
Global Perspective: Recognition and understanding of international perspectives, acknowledging the global dimensions of biotechnological advancements.
Lifelong Self-Learning: Commitment to continuous self-improvement and lifelong learning in the dynamic field of biotechnology.