NTU Bio-Tech

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Doctoral Dissertation

Course List and Descriptions for the Doctoral Program: 

Required Credits

Course Name


(642 D0010) Dissertation (Ph.D) (0)

Apply during the semester of the Qualifying Examination

(642 D0090) Topics Research (0)

Compulsory Taking course before graduation, but is not counted toward graduation credits

(642 D0100) Seminar (1)

Compulsory Taking course before graduation counted as 4 credits toward graduation  credits.

642 D0210 Selected Topics in
Advanced Biotechnology (I) (3)

642 D0220 Selected Topics in
Advanced Biotechnology (II) (3)

Compulsory credits must be finished in the first year of the Doctoral Program, counted as 6 credits.

Required courses
1. (642D0020) Epigenetics (3)
2. (642D0030) Stem Cell Biology (3)
3. (642D0040) Structural Biology & Bioinformatics (3)
4. (642D0050) Immunological
Techniques: Antibody tools (3)

5. (642D0060) Transgenic and
Cloning Technology in Animals (3)

6. (642D0070) Special Topics in Plant Biotechnology (3)
7. (642D0080) Special Topics in Microbiology (3)
8. (642 D0180) Advanced small RNA
and Mechanism of Gene Silencing (3)
9. (642 D0270) Omics in Biotechnology (3)

Compulsory course numbers with the letter D must be taken 6 credits (2 courses) out of the 9s.

Selective Credits
(4 Credits)

Courses Numbers start with D、M or U from the Internal or External Departments

Please consider the qualification exam's written subjects when choosing your courses.

Course Regulations and Information for Ph.D. Students

1.  Students must complete at least 20 credit hours (not including thesis) including 16 compulsory and 4 elective credit hours, pass thesis oral defense, and submit a thesis before graduation. Because the courses Frontiers in Biotechnology(I) and (II) will not be offered, students may take Selected Topics in Advanced Biotechnology (I) and (II) as the alternative courses.

2.  For the Qualifying exam, students must submit their application before July 31st for the first semester, and January 31st for the second semester. The regulations for the examination are listed in the “Doctoral Qualification Exam Schedule”.

3.  For doctoral dissertation oral defense, students must submit their application before November 30th for the first semester, and April 30th for the second semester. Due to the need to check application documents, please submit them to the office 10 days in advance. The detailed regulations for the examination are listed in “Doctoral Dissertation Oral Defense Guideline”. (In case of holidays, please submit in advance on a previous working day).

4.  Ph.D. students in the IOB program follow the terms of “NTU Implementation Measures for Advanced English Courses”, students who complete the Online English for Postgraduates III are regarded as passing the requirement.

5.  Students who are not from the listed English-speaking regions must complete the Online English for Postgraduates III or apply for a waiver before graduation. Students whose English Ability has reached the following Levels may not need to take the Online English for Postgraduates III (Adveng7002) courses.
(1)   TOEFL-iBT: 87 (or above)
(2)   IELTS: 6.5 (or above)
(3)   FLPT: 240 (or above)
(4)   FCE: C1 (or above)
(5)   New TOEIC: 785(or above) and TOEIC SW 240 (or above) 

Course List: 

Implementing Regulations for the Doctoral Candidate Qualifying Examination (click to download) in IOB.

Regulations of the IOB Doctoral Program (click to download) in IOB. 

(英文版僅供參考,若有歧義,以中文版為準。The English translation is for reference only. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version, the Chinese language version shall prevail.)