NTU Bio-Tech


Student Paper (Master)

Student ID
R09642018 Evaluation of antiviral activities of Bacillus strains with probiotic characteristics Yu-Wei Zheng Je-Ruei Liu 2022/07
R09642015 investigation of post-transcriptional gene silencing pathway related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana Abigail Chew Zhi Ting Shin-Shun Lin 2022/07
R09642013 Investigation of TuMV and ZYMV HC-Pros in HEN1 methyltransferase inhibition and AGO1 autophagic degradation Pham thanh Ha Shin-Shun Lin 2022/07
R09642012 Production of porous bacterial cellulose from foaming medium and its material property analysis Stephanie Singajaya Kuan-Chen Cheng/Shin-Ping Lin 2022/07
R09642010 Effects of Dyskerin Impairment in Mesodermal Differentiation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Han-Chung Yeh Li-Ying Sung, Ph.D. 2023/05
R09642008 Exploring the immune contexture within tumor microenvironment in NSCLC by multiplex IHC and multispectral quantitative imaging Guan-Ru Peng Shu-Han Yu 2022/08
R09642006 Characterization of PBAT biodegradation by Purpureocillium lilacinum strain BA1S Wei-Sung Tseng Chi-Te Liu 2022/07
R09642005 Primability of phosphorus starvation responses and the impact of phosphate concentrations on thermal memory Tzu-Yun Su Tzyy-Jen Chiou 2022/07