111 学年第 2 学期迳行修读博士学位申请,收件日期:即日起至 111 年 10 月 6 日 (四) 止。
1. 迳行修读博士学位申请书
2. 学士班历年成绩表及硕士班修业一学期以上历年成绩表一份。(附排名)
3. 二位教授推荐函
4. 自我介绍或履历表 1 份
5. 研究计画书 1 份
6. 硕士论文初稿 1 份 (无则免)
7. 发表着作1份 (无则免)
迳送本所行政办公室 (大安区长兴街 81 号 4 楼 402 室)
收件截止日 111 年 10 月 6 日 (四),逾时不候。
如通过资料审查即于 10 月 18 日 (二) 公布符合口试名单于本所网页,口试日期为 10 月 22 日 (六),不另通知。
迳行修读博士学位洽询单位:教务处研教组,电话:3366-2388 (校内62388) 转 412 孙小姐
〔Notice〕Regarding the Application for Direct Ph.D. Programs at NTU
1. Eligibility of Applicant
Pursuant to Article 3 of the Regulations Governing Direct Ph.D. Programs, an eligible application:
(1) has achieved a grade point average in the top one-third of his or her class in the department, institute or degree program. The applicant’s department, graduate institute or degree program may elect to rank the student based on his or her grade point average over all required courses or on a more stringent set of criteria; or
(2) has achieved excellent academic performance, as determined by the department, graduate institute or degree program based on under other special circumstances.
2. Submit the following documents as part of the application package:
(1) The form “Application for Direct Ph.D. Program”
(2) Undergraduate applicant: academic transcripts for all semesters attended; Graduate applicant: academic transcript(s) for at least one semester
(3) Two recommendation letters from academic faculty (at the level of assistant professor or above)
(4) Any other supporting documents required by the department, graduate institute or degree program
3. Submit the completed application to the department, graduate institute or degree program offering the Ph.D. program between September 29 and October 6.
4. Contact: Ms. Sun, Graduate Academic Affairs Division, Office of Academic Affairs at Tel. 3366–2388 (on-campus no. 62388) ext. 412.
5. For information about the NTU “Research Improvement Program for Students in Direct Ph.D. Programs”, refer to https://ord.ntu.edu.tw/w/ordntuEN/GW_21010406212110541 . Program contact: Mr. Ding, Office of Research and Development. Tel. 3366–6635.