年度 | 2015 |
全部作者 | 林诗舜,Yang, C.Y., Huang, Y.H., Lin, C.P., Lin, Y.Y., Hsu, H.C., Wang, C.N., Liu, L.Y., Shen, B.N., Lin, S.S. |
论文名称 | MiR396-targeted SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE is required to repress flowering and is related to the development of abnormal flower symptoms by the Phyllody Symptoms1 effector |
期刊名称 | Plant Physiology |
期数 | 168 |
页码 | 1702-1716 |
期刊等级 | SCI |
发表日期 | 2015-08-06 |
语言 | 英文 |
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