NTU Bio-Tech



This institute has been established in August 2006 and began to enroll PhD students since that academic year. The mission of this institute is to provide great research and teaching environment for the following fields that match the directions of our national policies: bioinformatics, nano-biomedical research, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, genomics and proteomics. 

Implication of Logo

DNA is at the center of life. Many studies on life science or development in biotechnology depend largely on unraveling it. Genomic approach thus forms the intersection core among the 3 fields of plant, animal, and microbial biotech in this institute. The microbe in the leaf indicates plant-microbe interactions. The woman head represents the animal and medical fields. The boxes are symbolic for microarray results and represent the bioinformatics. These symbols linked together indicate cross-disciplinary researches that are flourishingly developing in this institute.
Year 2010
Authors Je-Ruei Liu ,Pai, C. K., Y. F. Zeng, P. Y. Yueh, M. J. Chen, L. C. Tung, and J. R. Liu*
Issue.No 85
Page(s) 628-633
Level Type SCI
Language English